Retail & Wholesale of Petrol, Diesel & Kerosene

Retail & Wholesale of Petrol, Diesel & Kerosene

NFS is a full-service petroleum distributor to businesses, government and industrial plants in Tanzania. This is both in reatil and wholesale depending on the capacity and request of the user.

Wholesale Business

NFS imports wholesale fuel (Petrol & Diesel) in accordance with government regulations. The fuel is stored in different depots in the country. NFS goal among others is to built its own depots.

Petroleum products are supplied and distributed through NFS chain of filling stations across the country with presence in Dodoma, Singida, Shinyanga, Mwanza, Iringa, Njombe, Mbeya, Songwe, Ruvuma, Lindi , Mtwara, Dar es Salaam and still counting. This marks a total of 28 terminal facilities around the country making it effective petroleum product distribution in Tanzania.

Pump Services at NFS are 24 hours daily through out the week with retailing at government set prices.